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Exquisite Square Motif!

For this free tatting pattern, the goal of the design adapter, Robin Perfetti, was to create a magic square out of four ringed flowers, similar to those used by Mary Konior. Please note that there are no written instructions, just a pattern diagram.

The more she thought about it, the more she wondered, “Why not transform one of Mary’s patterns into a magic square?” That idea seemed like fun, so she went along with it. Ms. Perfetti stated in her blog, “I’m a big fan of Mary’s patterns and I think this one turned out nicely.”

The pattern is called “Patchwork” and appears in the Tatting with Visual Patterns book by Mary Konior. A large mat can be made by connecting small squares to each other. The original design is a repeatable square. A trefoil on each corner of the small squares transformed it into a magic square.

Robin has provided her notes for anyone interested in attempting this pattern adaptation. When you tat this, keep in mind that the flowers in the center have a slightly different stitch count so they can attach to the trefoils. To suit her style, she also changed many of the original stitch count.

If you would like to give this pattern a try but don’t know how to read a tatting pattern diagram, here is a great article that will have you being able to read tatting pattern diagrams/charts in no time!

Here is the free pattern link

Image and Pattern Source: Robin Perfetti at