Definition of Picot
Per Wikipedia, “A picot is a loop of thread created for functional or ornamental purposes along the edge of lace or ribbon, or crocheted, knitted or tatted fabric. The loops vary in size according to their function and artistic intention.”
The word “picot” is pronounced “pea ko” (with a long “e” sound and a long “o” sound). The “t” at the end of the word picot is silent.
In addition to their ornamental role, picots are now also highly functional and have become more than just ornamental. As an example of this, for example, in tatting, the picot is the point at which two rings, chain links, or other pieces of work are joined together. As the work progresses, an integral system of picots can be used to join the rings or chains so that they become more and more connected. This is much more convenient than creating independent rings or chains and then sewing or tying them together.
How To Do A Picot In Shuttle Tatting
To make a picot, start by forming your ring hand or forming your hand to make a chain, just like you normally would to make double stitches.
Start by making several double stitches (however many double stitches the pattern calls for just prior to a picot).
In this video, she makes three double stitches
Next, to make a picot, make the first half of the double stitch just like you normally would, but instead of pulling it all the way to the last stitch, leave a little space. Then, holding it with your thumb and forefinger, make the second half of the double stitch, pull that close to the first half of your double stitch, and now you have a little space between one double stitch and the next.
Slide the double stitch created after the picot up close to the last stitch (the stitch just prior to the start of the picot). The small loop that it makes is your picot.