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Quintessential Flowering Quatrain Bookmark!

The free tatting pattern for this beautiful “Flowering Quatrain” bookmark was designed by Joëlle Paulson!

This tatting pattern is created in one pass, meaning there is no cutting, tying, or hiding any ends!

This is accomplished by first tatting the middle of the bookmark, where the flowers and rings are located. In the pattern, these are referred to as “split rings” and “split flowers.” A split flower is simply a split ring with some picots added in.

For this pattern, you will also need to have knowledge of Josephine knots and Josephine chains. A Josephine knot is simply a ring that is tatted like a normal ring, but instead of doing both of the halves of a standard double stitch, you will only do a repeat of the second half of a double stitch. The same goes for a Josephine chain…this is tatted just like a normal chain, but only the second half of the double stitch is tatted, rather than both parts of a double stitch.

For this pattern, work is reversed between all rings and chains.

Here is the pattern link

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